[StringTable] 系统配置=System Config 显示设置=Display Setup 网络配置=Network Config 通道设置=Channel Setup 日志查询=Log Query 系统设置=System Setup 录像配置=Record Config 录像设置=Record Setup 报警设置=Alarm Setup 报警输入=Alarm Input 移动侦测=Motion Detect 硬盘错误=Disk Error 密码错误=Pwd Error 视频丢失=Video Loss 视频遮挡=Video Mask 用户管理=User Manage 常开=Always Open 常闭=Always Close 关闭=Close 获取报警输入参数失败=Failed to get alarm input parameters 设置报警输入参数成功=Successed to setup alarm input paramters 硬盘错误=DiskError 获取硬盘错误参数失败=Failed to get disk parameters 设置硬盘错误参数成功=Successed to set disk paramters 移动侦测=Motion detect 全=All 获取移动侦测参数失败=Failed to get motion detect paramters 设置移动侦测参数失败=Failed to set motion detect paramters 设置移动侦测参数成功=Successed to set motion detect parameters 密码错误=Password Error 获取密码错误参数失败=Failed to get password error parameters 设置密码错误参数失败=Successed to set password error parameters 视频丢失检测=Video loss detect 获取视频丢失报警参数失败=Failed to get video loss parameters 设置视频丢失报警参数失败=Failed to set video loss parameters 设置视频丢失报警参数成功=Successed to set video loss parameters 视频遮挡检测=Video mask detect 获取视频遮挡报警参数失败=Failed to get video mask parameters 设置视频遮挡报警参数失败=Failed to set video mask parameters 设置视频遮挡报警参数成功=Successed to set video mask parameters 设置用户参数成功=Successed to set user parameters 设置用户参数失败=Failed to set user parameters 用户名=Username 确实要删除该用户=Be sure to delete the user 请选择要删除的用户=Please to select user 请选择要修改的用户=Please to select user 添加用户=Add user 修改用户=edit user 两次输入的密码不符,请重新输入=Password and conformation password not equal 用户参数=User parameters 设置用户权限=Set Access 显示信息="Display Information" 否=No 是=Yes 设置显示信息失败=Failed to set display information 设置显示信息成功=Successed to Set display information 获取显示信息失败=Failed to get display information 手动=Manual 自动=Auto 开=Open 关=Close 超低=Super Low 低=Low 普通=Normal 高=High 超高=Super High 全部=All 获取网络参数失败=Failed to get network parameters 网络配置=Network DDNS密码不一致=DDNS Password is not correct 设置网络参数失败=Failed to set network 设置网络参数成功=Successed to set network 通道设置=Channel Config 获取通道参数失败=Failed to get channel parameters 获取通道参数成功=Successed to get channel parameters 设置通道参数失败=Failed to set channel parameters 设置通道参数成功=Successed to set channel parameters 系统设置=System Setup 年/月/日=YY-MM-DD 日/月/年=DD-MM-YY 月/日/年=MM-DD-YY 欧洲=Europe 美国=America 澳大利亚=Australia 简体中文=Simple Chinese 繁体中文=Tridational Chinese 英文=English 韩文=Kerean 日文=Japanese 泰国文=Tailand 获取系统信息失败=Failed to get system information 设置系统信息失败=Failed to set system information 设置系统信息成功=Successed to set system information 录像参数=Record Parameters 无=None 获取录像参数失败=Failed to get record parameters 设置录像参数失败=Failed to set record parameters 设置录像参数成功=Successed to set record parameters 用户名重复=Username repeat 固定IP=Static IP 动态IP=Dynamic IP Mac地址不能为空=MAC address cann't be empty 超级用户不允许删除=Forbide to delete super user [DlgRecordGeneral] 1337=Channel 1203=Copyto 1417=Resolution 1418=Quality 1421=FrameRate 1422=Record Audio 1423=PreRecord FrameRate 1424=OverlayInfo 1425=OverWrite 1565=No 1566=Schedule 1567=Alarm 1568=Schedule&&Alarm 1128=Save 1564=Restore 1581=SUN 1582=MON 1583=TUE 1584=WEN 1585=THU 1586=FRI 1587=SAT [DlgSystemSet] 1535=Date Format 1537=Time Zone 1541= DST Time 1018=Adjust With Local Time 1543=DeviceID 1339=Language 1340=NTSC/PAL 1341=Auto Lock(Unit:Min) 1128=Save 1564=Restore [DlgVideoInput] 1337=Channel Setup 1563=CopyTo 1511=Channel Name 1338=PTZ Protocol 1339=PTZ BaudRate 1340=PTZ Address 1406=Brightness 1408=Contrast 1409=Saturation 1407=Hue 1128=Save 1564=Restore [DlgNetConfig] 1380=Net Configure 1381=Work Model 1382=Boot Protocol 1383=IP Address 1385=NetMask 1515=Gateway 1577=NTPServerAddr 1528=Http Port 1530=InterCom Port 1529=Media Port 1408=Minor Stream 1386=PPPoe Passwd 1409=Channel 1350=Resolution 1349=Quality 1351=FrameRate 1578=DDNSType 1405=SMTP Port 1387=PPPoe Name 1388=Link Model 1389=Trans Type 1390=Server Name 1391=Idle Timeout 1392=0 means all time 1393=DDNS Name 1394=Password 1395=DDNS Domain 1396=Alert Protoco 1397=User Name 1398=Broadcast 1399=Log Center 1400=Esmtp Server 1401=From 1402=To 1403=Password 1404=Email Username 1128=Save 1564=Restore 1579=Mobile Service Port 1594=MAC Address [DlgShowInfo] 1462=Main Interval 1464=Spot Interval 1465=Ignore Videoloss 1350=VGA Resolution 1466=Osd Device 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgConfigMain] 1=Exit [DlgAlarmInput] 1547=Alarm Channel 1549=Sensor Type 1277=Copy To 1575=Record 1437=All 1321=Alarm Output 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 1130=Beep 1129=SendMail 1461=Video Channl 1555=Start Preset 1558=End Preset 1551=Main Display Interval 1553=Spot Display Interval 1545=Event Time 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgDiskError] 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 1321=Alarm output 1130=Beep 1129=SendMail 1545=Event Time 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgMotionDetect] 1563=Copy To 1437=All 1547=Video channel 1559=Sensitive 1164=All Area 1561=Motion Area 1576=Record 1321=Alarm Output 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 1130=Beep 1129=SendMail 1461=Video Channl 1555=Start Preset 1558=End Preset 1551=Main Display Interval 1553=Spot Display Interval 1545=Event Time 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgDlgPSWError] 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 1321=Alarm output 1130=Beep 1129=SendMail 1545=Event Time 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgVideoLoss] 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 1321=Alarm output 1130=Beep 1129=SendMail 1545=Event Time 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgVideoMask] 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 1321=Alarm output 1130=Beep 1129=SendMail 1545=Event Time 1564=Restore 1128=Save [DlgUser] 1038=Add 1039=Modify 1040=Del 1009=Restore 1010=Save [DlgUserParam] 1486=Username 1489=Password 1488=Confirm pwd 1047=Privilege 1=OK 2=Cancel [DlgUserPrivilege] 1035=System Setup 1036=Search Record 1037=Manual Record 1038=Search Log 1039=PTZ Control 1041=Record Backup 1043=Remote Setup System 1044=Remote Playback Record Files 1045=Remote Search System Log 1046=Remote Control PTZ 1047=Remote Access Video Channel 1048=Remote Look Up System Information 1=OK 2=Cancel [DlgSysRestore] 1437=All 1438=Regular Record 1439=Alarm Manage 1440=Regular Backup 1441=System Manage 1442=Event Manage 1443=PTZ Manage 1444=System Restore 1377=User Manage 1236=Excute 1237=Cancel [DlgRecordAdvance] 1417=Code 1418=Quality 1419=Video Rate 1420=Rate Type 1421=Frame Rate 1422=(0-30 and 10x(1/x)) 1423=IFrame Interval 1424=Filter 1425=CodeRate 1426=AudioRate 1226=Save 1144=Restore 1427=Quality Para [DlgUserParam] 1484=User Para 1485=Login Name 1486=User Name 1487=User GRP 1488=Confirm Passwd 1489=Passwd 1490=Memo 1491=Note:Passwd must be 6 1047=Privilege 1=OK 2=Cancel [DlgAlarmSetArmTime] 1338=Date 1206=Copyto 1324=Enable 1325=Begintime 1326=Endtime 1018=Time1 1019=Time2 1020=Time3 1021=Time4 1=Ok 2=Cancel [DlgAlarmOutputCtrl] 1345=Output Control 1346=Outputs 1347=Output Delay 1340=Enable 1139=Time1 1140=Time2 1141=Time3 1142=Time4 1341=Begintime 1326=Endtime [DlgAlarmRecord] 1348=Alert Record 1350=Enable 1018=All 1349=Quality 1351=Delay [DlgAlarmAction] 1322=Alert linkage 1319=Linkage Output 1128=Web upload 1130=Sound Tips 1129=Send Email 1323=Duration 1132=PTZ Enable 1137=PTZ Set 1321=Delay Output 1133=Output1 1134=Output2 1135=Output3 1136=Output4 [DlgSelWeek] 1437=All 1=OK 2=Cancel 1454=Sun 1455=Mon 1456=Tues 1457=Wens 1458=Thur 1459=Fri 1460=Sat 0=Select Weekdays [DlgSelChnnel] 0=Select CH 1=OK 2=Cancel 1437=All 1223=Controled [DlgAlarmInput] 1120=Deploy 1119=Deployment Time 1332=Alert Inputs 1121=Copyto 1333=Alarm type 1334=Zone type 1335=Delay time 1144=Enable Rotary 1336=Interval 1126=Restore 1125=Save [DlgAlarmExcept] 1126=Restore 1125=Save 1331=Exception Type [DlgAlarmVideoLoss] 1337=CH 1199=Coypto 1126=Restore 1125=Save [DlgAlarmDetect] 1344=Motion Detect 1337=CH 1175=Enable 1178=Area Set 1164=Frame 1165=Move box 1180=Time1 1181=Time2 1182=Time3 1183=Time4 1340=Enable 1341=Begintime 1326=Endtime 1342=Sensitivity 1274=Copyto 1273=Copyto 1338=Date 1339=Starttype 1126=Restore 1125=Save [DlgSetPtz] 1461=CH 1340=Enable 1020=Preset 1164=Patrol 1165=Track [DlgSetArea] 0=Area Select